
Ladies Godiva

Donna hosted our latest supper with, yes, a CHOCOLATE theme!!  Every recipe needed needed to incorporate cocoa or chocolate into its dish!  Check out one of the most delicious meals, yet!
Maureen, Mary (Donna's Guest), Jill, Donna & Holly

 There are the menus and placecards I made.....and look closely...

 ...oh yes she did.....white tulips surrounded by chocolate chips!!!!!! Donna's a genius!!

 Maureen making us scrumptious banana martinis, complete with cocoa covered bananas! MMMM

 Jill and Amy

 Me, Mary and the frog pitcher (our mascot of the night! lol)
 And the silliness begins!

 oops....just about the time Jill served us her dessert:  Classic fudge walnut brownies!!!