
Ladies Godiva

Donna hosted our latest supper with, yes, a CHOCOLATE theme!!  Every recipe needed needed to incorporate cocoa or chocolate into its dish!  Check out one of the most delicious meals, yet!
Maureen, Mary (Donna's Guest), Jill, Donna & Holly

 There are the menus and placecards I made.....and look closely...

 ...oh yes she did.....white tulips surrounded by chocolate chips!!!!!! Donna's a genius!!

 Maureen making us scrumptious banana martinis, complete with cocoa covered bananas! MMMM

 Jill and Amy

 Me, Mary and the frog pitcher (our mascot of the night! lol)
 And the silliness begins!

 oops....just about the time Jill served us her dessert:  Classic fudge walnut brownies!!!


New "Jersey" Clambake

Holly hosted our end-of-summer supper with a traditional New England Clambake!  The theme was to include any kind of seasonal ingredients that would match well with the down-home boiled seafood pot!  We had 2 wonderful guests, Cristy and Sarah to join the par-tay!
I chose a Pimm's Cup for the appetizer cocktail, as it seemed extremely refreshing with a kick!! (and a cucumber to boot!)  It was delish!Pimm's Cup
Our table was set out on Holly's deck, complete with lobster netting, beach pails, lobster lighting, and the most amazing home-made plastic "china" plates and nametags!

Our British guest, Sarah...who approved completely of the Pimm's Cup!!

Surf and Beach themed dinnerware complete with awesome quotes!

The menu.

Wine pairings for the appetizer and salad.

Me, with rosy red wine cheeks!!

Unfortunately, the rain began and turned into a downpour!! So, our al fresco dining experience was moved indoors...just in time for the lobsters!!

Simple Clambake:  includes lobster, mussels, turkey sausage, clams, corn and potatoes! YUM!
Simple Clambake: 
The Sausage

Side:Gnocchi with Shrimp, Asparagus & Pesto 

A Dinner well done!!!!